
Sunday, March 06, 2005

Mike George's new Pulse Jet

Mike spent months researching pulse jet engines on the internet, as an alternative to Turbine power, which is expensive. The only requirement is speed.

Stuart and Mike designed and made all the bits for this engine, and it basically ran as is! It is not producing anywhere near full power, but is totally deafening, and destroys the valves in about 3 minutes - obviously a 'mixture' problem - ie too lean / too hot.

On one start, the motor flamed out, and because the valves were shot, hot gas came out the front of the motor in a white cloud, and ignited in Mike's face. He charged out backwards, looking like he was on fire. His right arm was bright red, and was immediately immersed in ice water at the pub. He also had heat stress on his face. I was holding the fuel line, and lost all the hair on my right arm - look like a cyclist! Anyway, his arm calmed down, and we got some muti at the chemist on the way home.

Now he is doing research on valve material (berylliun/copper etc) and redesigning the blast plate.



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